Life's Precious Lessons

Life's Precious Lessons
ISBN 978-967-332-013-4 (SET)
Publisher: Vital Star Sdn. Bhd.
Colour: 4 Colour
Language: English
Price per Set: RM98.00

The Life's Precious Lessons series relates the growing pains that children of all ages go through. It tells the stories of what the characters go through in life. They are mirror images of their young readers. They experience what the young readers go through in real life.

This series teaches the young readers how to cope with their expectations and shortcomings. It teaches them to learn from and adopt the moral values as illustrated in each episode so that they can have happier and more fulfilled lives.

It is specially written for the young readers in an easy-to-understand language to ensure an interesting and enjoyable reading experience. Get ready to learn from and be entertained by these fine storybooks!

Titles in this series

It's Not Yours!
Lily Won't Share
Watch Your Mouth
Sorry, I Cheated
Oh, Be Satisfied, Teia!
Petra Retaliates
For Hygiene's Sake
Bravo, Harun!